Category : Travel

Retour à Nottingham
Je suis revenu à Nottingham pour la première fois depuis 3 ans, dans l’espoir de retrouver ce qui a fait de cette période pendant laquelle j’y ai vécu l’une des plus importantes de ma vie. La ville n’a quasiment pas changé. J’étais plutôt satisfait de pouvoir me repérer dans ses rues avec autant de facilité […]

Day 353/353
Benou is saying farewell to Nottingham. I left Nottingham on August 3rd carrying two suitcases and a bag full of everything I could bring along. My little “adventure” in UK is over. I’m heading back to La Réunion. But before going back to the tropics, I’m enjoying what’s left of this month to visit pieces […]

Day 308/353
The Pride in London 2016 parade on the 25th of July. Two weeks ago, I went to London to take part in Pride in London 2016 as a volunteer. It was my first volunteering experience as well as my first Pride ever, and it ended up being one of the best week-end of my life. […]

Day 291/353
Field view, somewhere around Hartington. April and May had some relatively warm and sunny days to witness the end of winter. This weather was favorable for the few days we spent with the MA Photography Students in the English countryside, at Hartington Hall. This former manor is located nearby Hartington village and close to wide […]

Day 118/353 (Winter Break 3/3)
The Douaumont ossuary, built within the Verdun Battlefield. Back to France, we took a couple of days to visit Verdun, one of the main battlefields during the First World War. On the 28th we went to Gien, a city built around the Loire, which is the longest river in France. This is the kind of […]

Day 115/353 (Winter Break 2/3)
The sign says “Bicycles are not allowed to be parked”. The journey from Vittel to Strasbourg was a long one, but the landscape of the eastern border of France was worth seeing. We officially reached Germany on the Bridge of Europe but we only realized it after seeing a « Polizei » car. It didn’t take much […]

Day 111/353 (Winter Break 1/3)
Your feet aren’t touching the actual ground, yet you see the landscape scroll on both sides. The bus travel from London to Paris was 10 hour long and included a ferry trip from the port of Dover in England to Calais in France. I arrived at Quai de Bercy around 6 on the morning exhausted […]

Day 107/353
“No photography” allowed in one of the Whitechapel gallery room. On December 9th Zoé, Emily and I went to London where we had to meet with Jilly and our course leader the day after to visit Ai Wei Wei’s exhibition in the Royal Academy of Art. We visited Camden town where we also booked a […]